

The excitement builds. There are occasional moments of doubt and energy-dip when the bigM creeps into the mind. In a bigger picture, these are moments of little relevance. Is the bigM not a transient entity… for the bigM is Money- and even if you spend all that you have (and then some), it will be bloody worth it. So in the grander scheme of things, it comes and goes, and we shall “figure it all out”, somehow. But it is natural for it to poke you, right?

Then there is the smaller picture for the bigM. Not in terms of life, but the trip itself. Is our budget too tight? Will we do justice to it all? We don’t have the 3 week leisure that a backpacker may, nor the 3-bank account luxury someone with the bigM might. But in the middle, will we miss out on something? Will we have to forego things we musn’t? Of course we will. But this is not just about Turkey.

Back to a bigger picture, its not all about this destination. It is about the desire. That we have had for so long. Heck, we might even come back with more lacklustre experiences than exciting ones- but that would again be besides the point. I want to go to a new place. I want to not know anything. I want to be unsure, ponder decisions. I want to know what I did was mine. Ours.
All ours.

cross posted on singapore ahoy!


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